National Ability Service

Medium Term Accommodation

Medium Term Accommodation (also known as MTA) can support you if you need somewhere to live while waiting for your confirmed long-term housing solution. The NDIS funds MTA for eligible participants for up to 90 days. This is so people living with disabilities aren’t forced into other housing arrangements or made to wait in the hospital longer than they need to.

It could be used in the following circumstances:

  • For younger people who are at risk of being admitted (or who want to leave) to an aged care home.
  • Participants who are ready to leave the hospital but are waiting
    for home modifications, assisted technology or support equipment to be placed in their homes.
  • Those who are eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation but
    need somewhere to stay while they are waiting for a vacancy or for a build to be completed.


For more information on Medium-Term Accommodation, get in touch with our friendly team today.